Introverts – Extroverts, and how to communicate with them?

Identify yourself whether you are an introvert or extrovert and take steps to succeed in relationships and communication with others.
All Levels
1h 15m

Language: Lithuanian


Enrolment validity: 120 days

14-Days Money-Back Guarantee

4.00(1 Ratings)

Enrolment validity: 120 days

14-Days Money-Back Guarantee

4.00(1 Ratings)

What you'll learn

  • What is introversion & extroversion and how to identify yourself;
  • The main myths about introversion or extroversion;
  • Learn easy-to-apply techniques to communicate with these types of personalities: introverts and extroverts.

This course includes:

  • Practical strategies, techniques & methods;
  • Certificate of completion;
  • Access to the discussions forum (ask the lecturer);
  • 120 days access to the course.


24 Lessons1h 15m

Introduction to introversion and extraversion

What is introversion and extraversion00:03:49
Are you an extrovert or introvert?00:00:58
Introversion & extroversion test

Myths about introversion and extraversion

Tips for introverts

Tips for extroverts

Tips for introverts and extroverts

Summary of the course


Who this course is for:

  • For those who are not sure about their and their friends personality type;
  • For those who often underestimate themselves and admires others personality qualities;
  • For those who want to better understand other people;
  • For those who want to improve their relationships and communication with introverts or extroverts.


  • None.


Understanding how introverted or extroverted an individual is can help us adapt our behavior accordingly. For example, extroversion is a personality type characterized by traits such as sociability, assertiveness, and cheerfulness. Extroverts gain energy by spending time with people (have a wide social circle), seek out novelty and excitement, enjoy being the center of attention, and enjoy working in teams.

On the other side, introversion is a personality type characterized by traits such as reserve, passivity, thoughtfulness, and a preference to keep emotional states private. Introverts are most comfortable interacting in smaller groups of friends (especially one-on-one relationships), gain energy by spending time alone, and enjoy working independently.

Regardless of where you fall on the extroversion-introversion spectrum, there is no ‘better’ personality. Each type has its own pluses and minuses, and you may even find that you are extroverted in some situations and more introverted in others. Many of the conflicts between extroverts and introverts can be resolved or avoided altogether. Simply being aware that there is a distinction can be enough to change how you think about and approach those whose behavior seems alien to yours.


Ugnė Juodytė

Psychologist - Candidate for psychotherapist

Over ten years in psychology: 10+ Master of Business Psychology; 8+ Coaching Specialist (ICF); 5+ Gestalt psychotherapy practice (3 years of study); 3+ Mindfulness and Certified DiSC Trainer; 1+ MasterMind coach
4.60 (5 ratings)

2 Courses

25 students

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